Member of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod

Worship Hours

On Sunday, we have a Bible Class beginning at 8:30 and a Fellowship Hour at 9:30 AM with service at 10 AM in person and on Facebook Live.

On Mondays at 10 AM, we have a Bible Class in person in our Fellowship Hall.

On Mondays at 5 PM, our Elder Chairman  has a discussion group (A Pint and Fellowship) through the Zoom platform.  Contact the church office for more information.

On Wednesdays at 10 AM, we have a discussion of the lessons of the week at a local restaurant and on  Facebook Live

On Wednesdays at 3:00M, there is a Ladies Bible Study - currently studying the Gospel of John.

On Fridays at 10 AM, Pastor Dave leads a book study through the Zoom platform.  Contact the church office for more information.

Check here or check our Facebook page for any updates to these times.




